FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio)
Aim:- Estimating FCR of a poultry.
Info:-In animal husbandry, feed conversion ratio (FCR) or feed conversion rate is a ratio or rate measuring of the efficiency with which the bodies of livestock convert animal feed into the desired output. FCR is the mass of the input divided by the output thus mass of feed per mass of milk or meat.
Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR)
FCR represents the proportion of food that is converted into meat and is the hardest figure to calculate accurately, particularly if you have a continuous flow building with bins feeding into several rooms. However, you can get an estimated figure from using the amount of feed purchased in relation to the number of liveweight (kgs) sold.
Liveweight (kgs) sold can be calculated from the abattoir sheets using the total dead weight (kgs) and the kill out percentage figure.
FCR can be calculated over a set period, e.g. monthly, quarterly, annually or on a room-, house- or herd-basis.
(make sure feed intake and average daily gain are both in either kg or g)
The feed conversion ratio is a measure of the amount of feed required (in kilogram mes) to produce 1 kilogram me of poultry meat (dressed carcass weight). It is used here as a proxy measure for the intensity of on-farm GHG emissions. Indicator: quantity of poultry feed produced per kilogram me (kg) of poultry meat produced
Pros:- How do you calculate FCR in poultry?
How do you calculate FCR in poultry?
FCR = total Feed consumed by birds/total weight gain
1000 broilers consumed 3500 kg feed in 45 days of rearing
Total wight of birds is 1750 kg from 1000 birds
FCR = 3500/1750 = 2.0
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